Practise General Information I have never encountered a general recipe to study effectively. Learning something new consists largely of adding to what you…
Divide et impera Performance Practice Divide and rule. This motto probably sounds unsympathetic to our ears. However, this strategy is not only used in the…
Aria da Capo Performance Practice Aria da Capo e Fine At concerts too often the public is surprised by an abrupt end to a series…
Playing what is NOT there Performance Practice This too crosses our path. Nothing is spared from us, early music enthusiasts. Often we have to play embellishments that…
Andante Performance Practice Usually, this term is used to refer to a quiet tempo; walking quietly. Andantino indicates the walking pace should be…
Haydn – Harpsichord or Fortepiano? Performance Practice I wrote the text below as explanatory notes to two concerts I gave in 1982 in the Église Wallonne in…
Finding your Way General Information Finding your Way in your own Bookcase. Where can harpsichord players find their etudes? It seems that from the onset…
Couperin and Bach General Information While searching for music from the 17th century suitable for clavichord, we normally arrive at composers from the Germanic countries,…